After all the results are His. The power of Christian Influence.
After all, as the Apostle Paul said, "Some sow, others plant, and others water but it is God who...
“Be Wise and use your Gifts right”
To be part of the Authentic Leadership seminar was a blessing for us. We started and finished our...
Please help us to help our Ukrainian Brothers and Sisters
Equip Leadership Canada has approved an urgent request presented by our partners, the Portuguese...
Two critical questions for Authentic Leaders in 2022
"Where are you?" (Gen. 3:9) "Where is your brother?" (Gen. 4:9 As we all know, religion and...
Living in Newness of Life in Cape Verde
When I remember the content and purpose of the course AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP – Living in Newness of...
The ISTL Albania vision to equip Christian leaders
During the week of June 7-10, 2021, the first year students of ISTL Albania, will receive Sessions...
A Wonderful Partnership In God’s Business
EQUIP Leadership Canada and ISTL became partners in 2012 when ISTL Founder and President,...
Hurricane ETA in Guatemala – HOL
Paul Pascoal, ELC's International Program Director, has been in communication with Katie Arriaza,...
ELC Response and Adaptation to COVID
Since late February 2020 our trusted, effective, global strategy of “in-person” partner relationship…

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