Nov 10, 2020
Paul Pascoal, ELC’s International Program Director, has been in communication with Katie Arriaza, President and CEO, Hope of Life, our Guatemalan partner. She states that, at the moment, an emergency evacuation of all HOL personnel, families, and orphans from...
Jul 17, 2020
Our partnership with Lost and Found International is a result of the tireless efforts of Canadian businessman, Greg Holohan, whose heart was captured by the commitment of the Lost and Found ministry leadership to the abandoned and exploited children of the region....
Jul 17, 2020
Connecting points and relationship building between ELC and Leadership Institute of Kenya (LIKA) is best explained by the words penned by Gershon Mwiti, the organization’s CEO. “In 2018, we wrote to (our friend) Marilyn Nasman in the USA, requesting her to introduce...
May 14, 2020
Partner: International School of Theology and Leadership (ISTL) President: Hervin Fushekati The initial ELC international partner, International School of Theology and Leadership (ISTL) was the first Christian educational institution to incorporate Authentic...
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